Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Gamal?

Gamal means camel in Hebrew. Written גָמָל in Hebrew

When you don't work comme du monde you are a gamal, lol.

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Gamal - meme gif

Gamal meme gif

Gamal - video


Gamal - what is it?

A really boring lecturer.

You're acting too Gamal Orfy, will you please fucking m o v e o n?

Oh you're still talking, I must have dozed off. Don't look me like that, Gamal Orfy.

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What does "Gamal" mean?

gamal ahul shluki in hebrew means "my house"

a: where are u!?

b: at my gamal ahu shluki!

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Gamal - what does it mean?

This nigga has a big dick, he gets all the bitches and is a g at the end of the day, fat gang for life

This should be used only by his friends because no disrespect on his name Gamal abo zub kabeer

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Gamal - meaning

The belief in believing that one should not write Facebook status about thy self but instead write status's that will make the populace "lol" or "lmao" and so fourth.

That kid always writes about himself on his facebook he should convert to gamalism.

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Gamal - definition

a useless cunt who has the worst personality you would want to throw shit at his face

oh that is a shit i thought it was gamal

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Gamal - slang

Urban game invented in Cheltanham, Australia. 2 Players face off against each other using nothing more than a plastic ruler and common stapler. The object of the game is to prevent blood from being drawn. You may use your ruler to defend your arms. Face shots, whilst allowed, are frowned upon. First to embed 3 complete staples in your opponents arms (or face, but frowned upon), wins. Crotch shots explicity "out of bounds".

Commonwealth Games have been petitioned to be included in the 2008 Commonwealth Games.

Craig asks, "JP, wanna game of gamale? I'll give you one staple head start..."

"Challenge accepted", says JP

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A cannon or thoroughbred; studly yet extremely intelligent; scholarly and experienced in all affairs

Have you seen Gamal? I really like his style.

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