Definder - what does the word mean?

What is GYA?

People who act gay but really aren't, for attention and end up being a douche.

Look at Lance grabbing Nick's butt for attention, he must be one of those Gya People.

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GYA - meme gif

GYA meme gif

GYA - video


GYA - what is it?

A Ghanaian term used to describe sexual intercourse. it may also be used to describe the act of speaking one's mind freely without fear of censure.

Archipelago likes to bie gya all the time.

👍27 👎11

What does "GYA" mean?

What someone says when they are bda at spelling.

USER1: OK Back.
USER2: You are gya!

👍27 👎13

GYA - what does it mean?

Girlfriend Your Age Syndrome.

A most common disorder found on human adult males. It is caused if the patient is in a long term relationship with a female of roughly the same age, give or take 7 years.

"He wanted to go to Munich for Christmas, she wanted to go to Paris, finally they settled somewhere in the middle, they are going to Paris."

-GYAS problems

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GYA - meaning

gay but dyslexic

oh btw im gya
robert what the fuck

👍31 👎11

GYA - definition

A GYA - Grossly Yobbish Arsehole is the type of person who would scare girls for fun in the middle of the night, and then refuse to apologise.

that website was very scary, u horrible gya

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GYA - slang

GOT YO ASS! The act of making someone look stupid, or proving them wrong.

DAVE: Dan, are you gay?
DAN: No..
DAVE: Why are you kissing a guy in this picture?
DAN: ....
CHRIS: You just got GYA'd dan!

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