Definder - what does the word mean?

What is GUTs?

A.K.A Gatts or Gattsu.

Is the main character of the anime/manga series Berserk. Guts is a mercenary with incredible strength and will while not superhuman his physical attributes are often said to be "inhuman". Guts was born on the battlefield with both of his parents dead Guts was raised by the mercenary leader Gambino. Guts became the champion of Gambino's mercenary group and outshined Gambino, causing Gambino to attempt to kill Guts in a drunken Rage. However Guts killed Gambino and eventually wounded up in the legendary band of the hawk mercenary group.

Guts formed a family-like bond with the Band of the hawks members a relationship with Casca a commander of the hawks and a best friend relation with Griffth the leader. Griffth however sacrificed a majority of the Band of the hawk to become a powerful entity known as a God Hand. Casca and Guts and Casca were the only survivors. Casca was raped by Griffth and traumatized her into losing her memory and becoming mute. Guts lost his left arm and his right eye. Guts then sent out on a journey to kill Griffth and all of his Apostles (Monsters)

Guts replaced his arm with a merchanical one that was magnetic so he could hold his sword with two hands had a hidden cannon and a repeating crossbow. Guts wields the massive sword Dragonslayer similar to Cloud's buster sword, or Siegfried's requiem. Guts eventually obtained the Berserker armor a cursed armor that allowed Guts to negate pain during battle but a frenzied rage could take over him if he was lost the bloodshed of combat.

Guts is although an unknown character to many anime and manga watchers his character and personality is well recieved by both fans and critics. Guts is the definition of Badassery, tough, mean and while not stylish he's one hell of a fighter.

Guts is the most badass anime/manga character created.

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GUTs - meme gif

GUTs meme gif

GUTs - video


GUTs - what is it?

When one laughs at something that is extremely funny that it just makes their stomach hurt.

Oh man, have you seen "Knocked Up"? That movie is fucking guts!

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What does "GUTs" mean?

Sperms in enzymes; one of the Bengali’s worst word!

Uhhh Ahhh sara din nunku dia sudhu gut top top kore sara maati te porche ar nunku ta jala korche...tar moddhe may ta amake chuddte chay!

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GUTs - what does it mean?

adjective: A word used to describe a negative emotional state or experience. Also, gutted

"My partner of two years just broke up with me, gutting mate, absolutely gutting"


"I'm so gutted, I lost that race at the last minute"

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GUTs - meaning

gut (1): a person's stomach; belly.

guts (2): courage.

guts (3): the nature of something.

1."Reham is getting a big gut because she loves chocolate, ice cream and beer!"

2."It took a lot of guts to ask his boss for a raise."

3."Let's get to the guts of our teacher Iyad Nemer!"

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GUTs - definition

1. To swallow a lipper of chew
2. When somebody is fucking up
3. needs to stop being a pussy
4. Nailing a babe

1. My parents walked in so I had to gut it

2. Ted is gutting it for the whole team

3. Just gut it and ask her

4. I took her home and gutted it

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GUTs - slang

1. Only to be used in extreme disappointment

2. sensation of shock, amazement, normally unwanted, tingling stomach on the verge of crying, Normally happens when horrible news is delivered to you quickly EX: Cheating

My friend told me that she was cheating on me and he caught her, i asked if it was true and she admitted yes, I was so gutted..

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Courage. synonym: Intestinal Fortitude

you don't have the guts for that

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An absolute badass from the old yet nothing less than amazing manga series berserk. Guts is the coolest mf out there but his life was rough… like… really rough, not gonna spoil it though since the manga is so great. Just go give this shit a read, trust me you won’t regret it. OH! and my man guts has a couple animes and anime movies, i’d recommend watching the older berserk anime and/or the movies then read the manga. there is a 2016 and 2017 anime but the animation kinda sucks tbh πŸ˜”. anyways go enjoy the full guts experience!

the baddass himself (guts): GRIFFIIIIIIIIIITH

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to be terribly upset

Kids might say they are gutted to be going back to school at summer's end.

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