Definder - what does the word mean?

What is GUM?

A delicious rubber like candy that people chew when they are bored or are hungry for sugar.
Bubblegum is gum you chew and can blow bubbles out of.
Chewing gum can only be chewed, most people chew chewing gum for fresh breath.
Gum has many different flavors.

Most common for bubblegum: Strawberry
Most common for chewing gum: Peppermint

I grabbed a delicious piece of Wrigley's 5Gum and chewed on it, mostly because being in the car for so long bored me.

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GUM - meme gif

GUM meme gif

GUM - video


GUM - what is it?

Putting drugs between your gums and your mouth walls for a slow dispersion of the drug.

I got a two 50s, might try gumming them tonight.

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What does "GUM" mean?

a bachelor's toothbrush.

Ricky, who was already late to work, popped some Dentyne gum to cover up last night's halitosis.

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GUM - what does it mean?

something you chew on when your bored in class

i've been chewing 3 pieces of gum for the past 4 periods

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GUM - meaning

High School Currency

Got any chewing gum?

👍1061 👎207

GUM - definition

An imaginary aliment suffered occasional by office employees. Actually an acronym that stands for "gotta use my sick-time." Used to describe someone who calls in sick without actually being sick simply to use up sick time before it expires.

"Bob is out sick today? I hope it's nothing serious"
"Nah, I think he just has a case of The GUMS"

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GUM - slang

A chewy, sticky wad of flavored sugar (or sorbitol or xylitol if it's sugar-free, smarty-pants) that may come as a ball, a stick, a cube, a 6-foot strip in a pink plastic dispenser, etc. Typically flavored as either classic bubblegum, a fruit (juicy fruit, strawberry, watermelon, orange, kiwi, pineapple, dragonfruit, etc.), or some kind of mint (peppermint, spearmint, wintergreen, winterfresh, sweetmint, smooth mint, polar ice, fresh mint; the list goes on. What's the difference? Don't ask me.). Common uses include sticking it under desks, putting it in people's hair, playing with it as slime, using it as a currency/bribe, breath freshener, etc.

Person 1: You got any gum?
Person 2: Yes. Mint gum. $1 per piece.
Person 1: What?! THAT'S SO -- Okay. *hands over dollar*
Person 2: Nice doing business with you. *takes dollar, then takes chewed gum out of mouth and sticks it on Person 1's hand*

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any alchoholic beverage.

various types of gum are: Badcat, Chordprogression, Jade, and Notebook.

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Genito Urinary Medicine
The clinic you visit when you realise you should have worn a condom, or just realised that dogs are for life not for fucking.

Mickey: I rid your sister last night. haha
Johnny: You'll not be laughing when everyone see's ye goin in te the GUM clinic at Altnagelvin

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