Definder - what does the word mean?

What is GROPE HUG?

A good way to start feeling up a girl. like after dancing, you give the girl a hug and instead of putting your hands on her shoulders, you put them on her Ass cheeks. Most girls like this.

I just Grope hugged jenny after the spring fling dance.

Yo, tony, my homo freind gave me a Grope hug!!

I like getting grope hugs from girls!

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GROPE HUG - video


GROPE HUG - what is it?

A term used to describe a hug between friends in which certain areas are squeezed during the hug, such as the ass. It can be a sign of good friendship between guys and girls, or a way for guys to make their homophobic friends awkward.

The name is a spinoff of Group Hug, and oddly enough a Grope Hug can involve more than 2 people.

Jenny: I got the job at McDonalds
Jon: Congrats....GROPE HUG!!!!

*Jon and Jenny have a mutual ass squeeze whilst hugging*

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