Definder - what does the word mean?

What is GRADE 7?

7. Grade is the most messed up grade of all time. Girls get their period and boys become assholes.
There is two options in 7. grade;
1 - The dating phase begun and it's 99,9% sure that they are getting in at least 3 relationships through the year.
2- Boy and girl become enemy and School become definisjon of HELL. PLUS, the girl have their period.

Boy - Ah, shit! Next year i go in 7. grade.
Boy 2 - Good luck bro, i hope the girl get they period late.
*6 month in 7. grade*
Boy 2 - Yo bro. What happened to you?
Boy 1 - Lilly got her period AND she want me to date Mary.

👍27 👎15

GRADE 7 - video


GRADE 7 - what is it?

internet trollers that are normally the age 12-13

grade 7: "im gonna go troll on roblox lol"

*grade 7 trolls*

older kid: "stupid fucking grade 7"

grade 7: "lololololololol"

👍47 👎23