Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Fucking February?

Fuck Fap February means to not fap on your girlfriend, gay friend or random people you see. Similar to NNN (No Nut November) and DDD (Destroy Dick December).

"Dude i survived NNN and DDD"
"Good luck for FFF"
"What is FFF?"
"Fuck Fap February"
"Ratio dislikes>likes"

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Fucking February - video


Fucking February - what is it?

It’s pretty self explanatory. You’re not allowed to finger yourself or get fingered for the entire month of February. To make it harder to complete, don’t masturbate or have sex at all. It’s a version of no nut November, but for females. Good luck ladies.

Person one: Are you participating in fuck fingering February?

Person two: hell no! I wouldn’t last a day!

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What does "Fucking February" mean?

every February you must have intercourse with your female counterpart at least once a day for the rest of February.

its fuck female February

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Fucking February - what does it mean?

The month u can't play Fortnite or u big GAE!
Fun Fact:
During these 28-29 days suicide rate increases to 69%
Also sex rate increases to 100%

Ninja:I'ma play Fortnite all night this month!
Skull Trooper:Seriously! NIBBA, it's Fuck Fortnite February!
Ninja:SHIT! I forgot! Now I can't lose my virginity

Ninja: .................(slowly tying a noose)........................

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Fucking February - meaning

A challenge similar to no nut november but it is in February. If you failed No Nut November, then you can compete in Fuck Fapping February, and redeem yourself. Following this month can be named March Madness or something similar.
If you complete both challenges, then you are the master of self-control.

Hell yeah, I got through No Nut November, now I gotta prepare for Fuck Fapping February.

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Fucking February - definition

Fuck fest february is just continuity to no nut november, destroy dick december and just jesus january. In fuck fest february you need to fuck 28 (or 29 if a leap year) times. Period. Not more, not less.

You can do it all in one day, once a day, with 28 different partners or with the same, doesn’t matter. Key word here is 28.

Girlfriend: Wanna do Fuck fest february honey?
Boyfriend: Sorry love, already took care of it this morning.

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Fucking February - slang

Wholesome as Fuck February (or W.A.F.F.) is a community-supported exploration of whatever wholesomeness means to you. It might include your relationships to food, exercise, drugs or alcohol, sexuality, spiritual practice, work, family members, partners, or anything else you want (i.e. wholesomely punch more Nazis). You define what aspects of "wholesomeness" you want to explore. Socializing, accountability, and mutual support are the key tenets.

"Why February?" You may ask. Because February is the shortest month (yay!), and alliteration is pretty freaking fun.

Tim: Are you doing Wholesome As Fuck February W.A.F.F. this year?

Aubyn: Yeah! Timiki and I are. I'm getting outside on a run or a hike at least 3 times a week, and he's cutting out booze. I sort of voluntell-ed him... You?

Tim: I'm meditating more.

Aubyn: Noice!

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Fucking February

February is the month for relaxing your nuts.
It comes right after 'Just Jizz January'

Person 1: "I just made it through Just Jizz January, my girlfriend is pissed and horny"
Person 2: "Relax! Fap Fuck February is coming, you can fuck her now"

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Fucking February

The follow up to famous Juicy Jizz January, Fortified Fucking February allows one to fuck as hard as they physically can due to the amount of nutting and gay porn watching.

Only works if one participated in Juicy Jizz January.

Ashley: "hey babe guess what~"

Brian: "What?"

Ashley: "Its Fortified Fucking February! I hope your dick is ready~"

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Fucking February

During this month, you don’t have any sexual intercourse with anyone. Anything that doesn’t involve penetration doesn’t count.

Had sex to often lately so I better do no fuck February

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