Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Fuck A Duck?

A "fuck-and-duck" is when person "A" has sex with person "B", then avoids any and all contact with person "B". This may be to ensure that a sexual encounter becomes a one-night stand. It is also a means of breaking up with a person.

After the sixth unreturned phone call, Sharon began to suspect she was the victim of a fuck-and-duck.

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Fuck A Duck - video


Fuck A Duck - what is it?

An interjection generally being another phrase for common cuss words that you yell when you mess things up, something isn't going right, or you just hurt yourself.

Bob stubbed his toe on the kitchen table and immediately yelled,"Well fuck a duck!"

👍101 👎25

What does "Fuck A Duck" mean?

When something goes wrong. Can be used to express anger or disappointment.

"Fuck a duck, I just missed the bus"

👍3345 👎1003

Fuck A Duck - what does it mean?

the act of avoiding someone you had sexual intercourse with.
similar to suck and duck.

Guy 1: Hey, didn't you fuck that girl at my party last week?
Guy 2: That shit was NASTY! Better pull a fuck and duck!

👍215 👎45

Fuck A Duck - meaning

alternative to smash or pass , just used in a more aggressive way .

would you fuck or duck ariana grande?

👍47 👎11

Fuck A Duck - definition

An ode to duck fucking to the tune of the popular children's song, "Row, Row, Row Your Boat"

Fuck, fuck, fuck a duck.
Screw a kangaroo.
69 a porcupine.
Orgy at the zoo.

Fuck, fuck, fuck a duck.
Screw a kangaroo.
Finger an orangutang.
Orgy at the zoo.

Fuck, fuck, fuck a duck.
Screw a kangaroo.
Eat a grape, rape an ape.
Orgy at the zoo.

Fuck, fuck, fuck a duck.
Screw a kangaroo.
Masturbate with a snake
Sunning at the zoo.

Fuck, fuck, fuck a duck
Gently in the ass
Roll around on the ground
Until you cum at last!

👍11205 👎1759

Fuck A Duck - slang

Fuck the Duck or Fucking the duck is the act of being lazy. You are supposed to be doing something but instead you're "fucking the duck". If you are being really lazy it's called Fucking the Royal Duck.

"I thought Bill was going to help clean up theses leaves?" "No, he went to go fuck the duck."

"Hey, where's the cook? I have an order up, 2 cheeseburger specials!!" "he's out back fucking the royal duck".

👍281 👎35

Fuck A Duck

A word used when one is extremely pissed off.

"You what?!! You ran over my mother?!!!-FUCK A DUCK!!"

👍37 👎51

Fuck A Duck

An expression used when frustrated

Person 1: Layouts for the next week?

Person 2: Fuck A Duck!!

👍73 👎27

Fuck A Duck

Crude Song Sang To The Tune Row-Row-Row-Your-Boat

Fuck, fuck, fuck a duck.
Screw a kangaroo.
69 a porcupine.
Orgy at the zoo.

Fuck, fuck, fuck a duck.
Screw a kangaroo.
GangBang an orangutang.
Orgy at the zoo.

Fuck, fuck, fuck a duck.
Screw a kangaroo.
Eat a grape, rape an ape.
Orgy at the zoo.

Fuck, fuck, fuck a duck.
Screw a kangaroo.
Masturbate with a snake
Sunning at the zoo.

Fuck, fuck, fuck a duck
Screw a kangaroo
motorboat a pregnant goat
An orgy at the zoo!

Fuck, fuck, fuck a duck
Gently in the ass
Roll around on the ground
Until you cum at last!

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