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What is FuckBuddy?

When you have a friend, who used to be an ex- boyfriend, that you still have regular sex with even though you’ve been broken up for ages.

Annabelle: “Hey did you see Todd last night?”
Elizabeth: “Yeah he’s my fuckbuddy, we see each other all the time.”

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FuckBuddy - what is it?

More than a fuckbuddy but not quite your official boyfriend/girlfriend. You can date them or just hookup. And it's probably not exclusive.

Victor and I like to hang out in addition to sex. I guess that makes him my "fuckbuddy and a half."

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What does "FuckBuddy" mean?

Someone to hook up ,2nd base or fuck that is your friend or ex boy/girl friend no strings attatched that you do stuff with constantly.You can do sexual things with other ppl at the same time.basicly sum1 u can uze

A good friend or ex boy/girl friend you constanly do sexual things with is called a fuckbuddie.

👍121 👎65

FuckBuddy - what does it mean?

a buddie of yours who you fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck some more and than hopefully get married.

boyfriend/girlfriend: Will u marry me?
other person: YES fuckbuddie!

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FuckBuddy - meaning

Sexual partner (male or female) with whom there is no danger of attachment, commitment or other complications. See also fuck buddy, fornifriend, friendship, slamp, slampiece.

What's she doing all holding your hand in public, I thought she was your fuckbuddy?

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FuckBuddy - definition

Sexual partner (male or female) with whom there is no danger of attachment, commitment or other complications. See also fuck buddy, friendship, slamp, slampiece.

Hey, I'm not serious about that chick, we're just fuckbuddies, dude.

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FuckBuddy - slang

Where two people are the best of friends, and still have sex a lot. I mean a fucking lot.

I wish she was my fuckbuddy, she's so nice yet I wanna fuck her.

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