Definder - what does the word mean?

What is FuXer?

A slang term meaning the woman your lesbian mother fucks.

"You know that girl that works at the mall."
"Motha fuxer"

👍31 👎13

FuXer - video


FuXer - what is it?

A fuxer is like saying fucker but better. Cuz no one else know what it means. A Fuxer is also a bitchmade fatass stupid guy that needs to grow nut-hair. So when you meet up with a guy and he's messin with you dont take it, tell him "Now, you go home fuxer!"

👍33 👎27

What does "FuXer" mean?

Same meaning as Fucker

Peter Bryk is a FuXer!!!

👍45 👎17