Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Friberg?

When you don’t want to do something because of a pre-existing minor illness and your friend, calls you pusillanimous for not doing so.

Don’t be a pussy’ -Robin Friberg.

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Friberg - meme gif

Friberg meme gif

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Friberg - what is it?

A noun describing a total meltdown or collapse during a golf round

Looks like he pulled a ’friberg’ on the last hole of the golf round

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What does "Friberg" mean?


Loves a big arab with balls

Omg you are sooo Sixten Friberg

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Friberg - what does it mean?

A typical perverted young man who enjoys hentai and masturbating during school. He doesn't even clean up and doesn't give a SHIT when the teacher notices him fondling his phallus.

Teacher: "friberg, stop fuckin jacking off"
Friberg: *fap fap fap*

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