Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Frankenweenie?

Slipping a hotdog into your buddies anus while he is asleep

Did you hear about the epic frankenweenie we pulled on Brandon last night? He screamed like a little girl when he woke up.

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Frankenweenie - meme gif

Frankenweenie meme gif

Frankenweenie - video


Frankenweenie - what is it?

loser, unimportant, JV Level, waste of time, waste of breath, overall complete joke

Grand Valley State University is a complete Frankenweenie.

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What does "Frankenweenie" mean?

Any man who has had his penis removed (either by force or surgery) and re-attached or reconstructed. JWB was the original celebrity Frankenweenie

I was watching Oprah the other day and she had John Wayne Bobbit on as a male guest to beat up on. She really took ole' Frankenweenie to task for beating up his wife.

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Frankenweenie - what does it mean?

A term for a giant dick,pecker,cock etc.

A scared her with my frankenweenie.

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