Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Frag grenades?

A snowball with an ice cube at the center

β€œHey, you want to have a snowball fight?”
β€œNo way man, you always use Scandinavian Frag Grenades”

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Frag grenades - video


Frag grenades - what is it?

After having sex the man removes his condom lights it on fire and slaps the woman in the face with it.

Dr. Gomez: Man, last night was awesome!
Janelle: Why?
Dr. Gomez: I gave my girl a Tijuana Frag Grenade last night and she almost puked!

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What does "Frag grenades" mean?

The cool way to say "no homo."

Rule number one, no frag grenades.

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Frag grenades - what does it mean?

A fragmentation grenade or "fragnade" is a type of grenade in many shooter games. They can be used for drawing the enemy out of cover or in suicide bomber attempts by cooking a frag near the enemy

US Soldier: Frag grenade out!

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Frag grenades - meaning

A marker most commonly used to indicate where you should not be standing

rather dashing Englishman: Oh My! there appears to be a frag grenade at my feet!

Quite a proper sort of chap: Well it is rather a good job someone put that there or you wouldn't have known where you should not be standing is it not

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Frag grenades - definition

The act of opening up your hand while your fist is inside of either an asshole or a vagina.

man i totally frag grenaded that chick's ass last night

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