Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Fortnite gamer?

When u get no bitches

Danm Brandon ur fortnite gamer

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Fortnite gamer - video


Fortnite gamer - what is it?

It means you cracked at the game.

Yo bro he Fortnite gamer amungus sussy imposter

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What does "Fortnite gamer" mean?

Usually somebody to ages between six through nine screaming at their mic because they lost a game of Fortnite and also hating many other games such as Minecraft and being annoying as hell.

That Toxic Kid Fortnite Gamer is so annoying.

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Fortnite gamer - what does it mean?

When you do something that only a pro gamer would do in Fortnite Battle Royal.

I did what you call a pro fortnite gamer move!

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Fortnite gamer - meaning

A Pro Fornite Gamer is a person that spends hours and hours on the game Fornite, also they never take showers and they're fat as shit.

Look at that Pro Fortnite Gamer he/she's so fat.

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Fortnite gamer - definition

Somebody who doesn't have a strong taste in video games

Your either a kid or it's the only game you have

Hey guys I'm a fortnite gamer player and I'm a virgin

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Fortnite gamer - slang

epic gamer at fortnite which cant be over 9 years old

shut the fuck up you fortnite gamer

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Fortnite gamer

a faggot who lives in there moms basement playing a useless gay game where they live with there uncle and snort and puff drugs while be fort fuckers and eating penis while they are playing with theirself

Ew look a fortnite gamer

πŸ‘29 πŸ‘Ž13

Fortnite gamer

Between the ages of 7-19 these mythical creatures can best be described as tumors. Some of their defining traits are having balls the size of raisins, having more then 3 pairs of shoes, acting depressed, and being shorter then 5’1’.If you encounter one of these entity’s make sure that you run as far as you can as its fat ass won’t be able to keep up with you. Make sure you lock your door for extra protection. If you are met with a situation where you must confront them then the best thing to do is to tell their parents. If that doesn’t work then curb-stomp their fucking face in.

Fortnite Gamer: throws stick at kid in fight
Other child: fucking body’s him

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Fortnite gamer

An obnoxious 12 year old who steals his parents credit card if he gets the chance or a 20+ plus virgin who thinks it’s cool to drop $150 on cosmetics for a free game.

Sheila: What games do you like playing?
Cameron: well um......
Patrick: He’s a fortnite gamer
Sheila: You didn’t tell me he was a virgin

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