Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Fluro?

a tourist who wears flurescent coloured swimmers, reef shoes and goggles everytime they go or look like going swimming.

'oi did you see that fluro touro?' 'yeah they looked pretty cool.'

👍33 👎23

Fluro - meme gif

Fluro meme gif

Fluro - video


Fluro - what is it?

The Game Where You Point At Someones Shirt And Call Out Fluro, If They Look At Their Shirt Confused, You Have Successfully Fluroed Someone.

John Fluroed Manny

👍35 👎13

What does "Fluro" mean?

Fluro is another way of saying flourescent, it can also kind of be a way your dressed. very Los Angeles, and young Australia.

I've also heard of Fluro being used as a party.

"oi do you see how fluro riley is looking?"
"Were having a Fluro this weekend!!!So make sure you dress the occasion mate."

👍123 👎63

Fluro - what does it mean?

The way an idiot spells fluoro.

Hey, that shithead just spelt fluoro, fluro. What a dick!

👍43 👎23