Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Fluffy Puff?

Homestar Runner's favorite marshmallows

Before I drink a tall glass of melonade, I like to eat about 147 Fluffy Puff Marshmallows!

👍41 👎21

Fluffy Puff - video


Fluffy Puff - what is it?

a delicous marshmellow

I like to eat about 147 fluffy puff marshmellows!

👍27 👎21

What does "Fluffy Puff" mean?

A popular brand of Marshmallows wnjoyed by Homestar Runner and friends, advertised by marshie, an over-exitable giant marshmallow.

"Stack 'em to the heavens!"

👍55 👎31

Fluffy Puff - what does it mean?

Homestarruners favourite food, which he eats with melonade. You can also eat them at breakfast, lunch, munch and tither!

They're fluffedy, they're puffidy, 6,7,8,9,10.

I fricken hate theat marshmallow.

👍75 👎31

Fluffy Puff - meaning

Homestar Runner's favorite food. He advertises them, but does not do a very good job of it. The mascot of Fluffy Puff Marshmallows is a marshmallow named Marshie.

"You best be eating a whole mess of Fluffy Puff Marshmallows!"

👍79 👎33

Fluffy Puff - definition

They're fluffity, they're puffity. One two three four five.

Fluffy puff marhsmallows make breakfast shiver with flavor.

👍133 👎49

Fluffy Puff - slang

Advertised by Homestar Runner, who eats about 147 of them with a "tall glass of melonade!" (or marmalade). It's mascot is a big white marshmellow called Marshie (thats M, then arshie!). Not to be confused with "Flushy Push Marshmellows", "Fluffity Puffity Marshalades" or "Fluffy Puffies".

Homestar: "Before I drink a tall glass of melonade, I like to eat about 147 FLUSHY PUSH MARSHMELLOWS! Seriously folks..."
Director: "Cut! You said Flushy Push."
Homestar: "I know! Can you believe it?!?!"
Director: "They're called Fluffy Puff."
Homestar: "I know! Can you believe it?!?!"

"Before I drink something, often times I eat something too!"

"Before I drink a tall slice or marmalade I eat 147 marshmellows. I mean fluffy puffies."

"They're fluffity! They're puffity! 12345!"

👍269 👎41

Fluffy Puff

(1)Any fluffed marshmellow endorsed by Marshie

first to eat a million wins!

👍29 👎17

Fluffy Puff

1.1936 Marshmallows
2.Air puffed sugar delights.
3.Hand-puffed at the factory in Neuconsin.

"Fluffy puff air puffed sugar delights, hand-puffed at the factory in Neuconsin

👍49 👎15

Fluffy Puff

a air-puffed marshmellow Homestarrunner enjoys to eat with melonade.

Before I drink a tall glass of melonade, I like to eat about 147 Fluffy Puff Marshmellows..

👍35 👎11