Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Flatt?

the best country band ever.

not to mention the boys are hot too!

"Hey I love Rascal Flatts!"

"Yeah they are a pretty hot band!"

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Flatt - meme gif

Flatt meme gif

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Flatt - what is it?

Country music on estrogen. Women who think Rascal Flatts is a good band don't really know what good country music sounds like. Actually they don't know what good music is period. Nevermind that all their songs cater to women and they are 'sooo hawt'.

Rascal Flatts fan: OMG they are sooo hawt!

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What does "Flatt" mean?

he's perfect

whos ben flatt

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Flatt - what does it mean?

A threesome of metrosexuals that are wanna-be country music stars but are really just a boy band in disguise. Most of their top 40 songs appeal to teenage girls and young women who think their relationships relate to all of their songs.

" John- Hey did you see that new promo poster of Rascal Flatts?"

" Me- Yeah those guys definatley look like they hit up the fag bars on a regular basis."

" John- True"

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Flatt - meaning

A Country band consisting of Joe Don Rooney, Gary LeVox, and Jay Demarcus.

The Rascal Flatts sing "Bless The Broken Road"

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Flatt - definition

1. A country band originally from Ohio.

2. Synonymous with lesbian or bulldyke because all three Rascal Flatts band members resemble a lesbian or bulldyke.

Rob: Hey man did you see that guy?

John: I think it was a Rascal Flatts it had boobs.

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Flatt - slang

shitty weed

Lets go buy some flatts and sell it to kids

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flatte |ˈflÀˌtā| noun : a decaffeinated latte

The construction is similar to β€œblog” – the last letter of a two-word phrase (β€œweb log”) coupled with the full second word. In this case, β€œdecaf latte” becomes β€œflatte.”

It's too late in the day for caffeine but I still want a coffee. So, could you get me a flatte if you're going to the cafe?

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Fairfield, CA. Chair of solano county.

Imma go get some bitches at the clubs in the flatts

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A word used to spread love throughout the 14k family. (Fourteen Love All The Time)

That’s my Flatt from the city.

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