Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Flamu?

A condition which occurs after one ingests potently spiced food, causing a caustic expulsion from the anus, making said person feel as if flames are coming from their GI tract. Can be used in polite conversation.

Tammy: "Gosh, where was Gigi last night? She promised she would meet us on this blind date my cousin Clem set up for us."
JoElle: " Bitch! Please! Didn't you get her text? After her friend Josefina's baby shower, she had a debilitating case of Flamus which, despite Balmex, and a tub soak, nearly got her a skin graft and a colostomy!"

👍35 👎13

Flamu - meme gif

Flamu meme gif

Flamu - video


Flamu - what is it?

Some Finnish dweeb on the internet yelling at noobs or "Potatoes" as he calls them and raging about while playing the "Thinking Man's Action Game", world of warships.

Person 1: Yo do you know about this Flamu guy? His streams are funny af.
Person 2: You mean Flambass?
Person 3: Ha, Flambass? More like Flamu's Ass, get it?
Person 2: -visible confusion- ???

👍107 👎11