Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Flailure?

What you are when you feel you are barely above water flailing your arms and then decide to give up.

I was a facebook flailure when I didn't learn how to use it and gave up.

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Flailure - video


Flailure - what is it?

1. The state of feeling as if you were accidentally flirting with someone. Flailure commonly leads to flailing.

"I didn't mean to flirt with you just now! I'm such a flailure!" *flails in embarrassment and slight panic*

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What does "Flailure" mean?

An attempt to remedy a previous failure which has the unintended consequence of exacerbating the aforementioned failure.

1. The plot to any Ben Stiller movie is such a flailure.

2. The Vietnam war was such a flailure.

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Flailure - what does it mean?

V. To fail in a spectacular or catastrophic fashion
N. Someone who does this

Guy 1: man, that dude's dancing is atrocious.
Guy 2: yeah, he's a pretty big flailure alright.

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Flailure - meaning

Failing while being high on methamphetamines. Failing while flailing.

"Ever since my brother Keno, got into drugs he has become a complete flailure."

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