Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Fish smell?

When President Biden makes a decision that appears to reflect that he is on Communist Chinas government payroll.

I just read an article where president Biden green lighted moving the Chevrolet plant from Lansing to Beijing and I smell fish.

👍29 👎13

Fish smell - video


Fish smell - what is it?

Fresh ripe ebonic women's vaginal area. Smells like fresh salmon and tuna mixture odor.

Rahul is a black fish smelling pum tun.

👍157 👎25

What does "Fish smell" mean?

The pungent aroma of engorged pussy.

As soon as I went down on her, there was that lovely Old Fish Smell.

👍81 👎29

Fish smell - what does it mean?

Fish smell is what u smell when a girls pussy is dirty and her legs are open.

"Dude what is that fish smell?"

👍63 👎23