Definder - what does the word mean?

What is FireBall?

An overly obnoxious and rude christian who forces opinions down one's throat with a toilet plunger.

That girl on Yahoo! Answers is the worst fireball ever!

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FireBall - meme gif

FireBall meme gif

FireBall - video


FireBall - what is it?

A common spell in RPG's. Usually one of the first learned, and often upgradeable.

"I cast: FIREBALL!!!" (critical hit 50 Dmg)

👍165 👎111

What does "FireBall" mean?

a REALLY hot guy

(Natalie and Gaby are at the mall and see a hot guy.)
Natalie: "Oh my gosh! Look at himm."
Gaby: "Now he is a fireball."

👍563 👎401

FireBall - what does it mean?

A person who knows how to get crunk in the club

Yeah this girl got the joints man, she is a fireball

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FireBall - meaning

an extremeley upset or enraged person who should be dealt with extreme caution.

Chill out there fireball.

Don't talk to Bob right now...He's a fireball.

👍351 👎223

FireBall - definition

Receiving blowjob and ball play after shots of fireball cinnamon whisky

Marie just did 3 shots of fireball, now I'm getting fireballed in the parking lot.

👍37 👎13

FireBall - slang

Person 1 : is it a football

Person 2 : no, it is a basketball

Person 3 : no, it is a fireball

Person 1 : wait a sec, did you say fireball

Person 1,2,3 : ahhhhhhhhh

Never trust a fireball

👍53 👎15


Whiskey that many teenagers drink because it is farely strong (33% alcohol) and doesn't taste bad,has a cinnomon taste, so it is easy to chug and get drunk quick.

Man i chugged a quart of fireball before the dance and the cops were all over my ass with the breathaliser as soon as i walked in.

👍1321 👎461


Cinnamon flavored whisky (33% ABV) which doesn't taste bad, but can easily fuck you up, just like any other alcohol.

I drank more than half a fifth of fireball last weekend and blacked the fuck out, puked all over my friend's truck, and ended up at my house at 4am.

👍179 👎45


A totally wothless person. Someone with no ambition.

Yeah, she's a real fireball.

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