Definder - what does the word mean?


A hypothetical line in video gaming where high difficulty in a video game stops being a stimulating challenge and starts to become tedious boring and/or frustrating.

Dark Souls is a challenging game but The Surge is a game that crossed the Tropic of Fuckabout.

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FUCKABOUT - what is it?

The border that distinguishes whether or not the high difficulty of a video game makes the game "challenging but rewarding" or "frustrating and unrewarding."

"Finally, after much frustration and about 900 attempts, I've gotten the core on the ropes and I'm moments from landing the final blow, whereupon I glitch through the floor and fall to my death. No. That's too much. That's gone right over the Tropic of Fuckabout on a jet-ski full of dicks. I'm done. Fuck The Surge, fuck Deck13, fuck anyone who likes it. Blimey, that's filled my schedule out for the week."
-- Zero Punctuation

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What does "FUCKABOUT" mean?

when somebody is annoyed, or happy or to tell someone not to screw around

1.someone gets in the way of a fat chav
and they say tim dont FUCKABOUT
2.yes maxwell i did tongue billy behind the shed... FUCKABOUT

👍31 👎23

FUCKABOUT - what does it mean?

Much like the walkabout, an Aboriginal right of passage, a Fuckabout is a spiritual journey from point A to point Z, with all points in between representing a different woman, man, or horse that you're into. Point Z should generally refer to your ultimate lover, the "One Love" that Bob Marley speaks of is actually a reference to point Z on one's Fuckabout.

"I just broke up with my fiancee' now it is time to fuck my way across America. This will be a Fuckabout, and I may or may not hitchhike."

"A Fuckabout may be funded by each stop on the spiritual journey by gas money from each lover you encounter if driving in a car"

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