Definder - what does the word mean?

What is FPV's?

Someone who flys FPV drones excessively or obsessively.

Hey, where's your boyfriend? Thought he was coming with you? He's flying his damn drone. Sounds like he's a FPV junkie. Might need to have an intervention.

👍25 👎11

FPV's - meme gif

FPV's meme gif

FPV's - video


FPV's - what is it?

FPV GTP (Ford performance vehicles)

The FPV GTP is like the GT except more luxury. The gt is like the gtp
But the gt is poor mans gtp. It is usually automatic but the good drivers prefer manual.

Guy 1: Fark man thats a nice ride
Guy 2: Yeah man its the new FPV GTP
Guy 1: So its like the FPV GT?
Guy 2: Sort of, but $5,000 more and its better.
Guy 1: How much?
Guy 2: $75,000

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What does "FPV's" mean?

FPV GT is known as a "Ford Performance Vehicle"
Its basicly one of the nicest, fastest, ford cars.
Its slightly like the ford XR8.. but the ford XR8 is a poor mans GT.

Guy1: Nice car man
Guy2: yeah, Its the new FPV GT falcon
Guy1: How much?
Guy2: $70,000

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FPV's - what does it mean?

Classified as rebels or outlaws. We are a UK based drone building, engineering and development company that breaks loose from the norm and does not give two fucks about convention. Outcasts who care not about what anybody thinks or says about us.

That Renegade FPV makes some epic drones. Amazing quality.

👍25 👎11

FPV's - meaning

Fucked Performance Vehicle

Hey...look at my new FPV GT. Pity it gets its ass kicked by a HSV.

👍105 👎125

FPV's - definition

First Person View, A way to fly RC aircraft by video. Something poor people do because they can't afford a real plane and aren't bad ass enough to own a wingsuit.

Me: Hey I flew FPV today
Jokke Sommer: Motha Fucka I flew down a mountain and into your girlfriends panties

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FPV's - slang

ford performace vehicle

whoa man did u see the fpv flog the shit outta that commodore?

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First Person View

FPV drone

A drone with a camera that transmits the image to goggles or screen so that you can see what's happening in "First Person View"

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