Definder - what does the word mean?


Another word for cunt. Can be used on it's own or along with cunt.

Jim shit the fuck up you features.

Nobody likes that kid Paul, he's such a cunt-features.

👍87 👎69

FEATURED - meme gif

FEATURED meme gif

FEATURED - video


FEATURED - what is it?

Mac slang for "Shit we should have done in the first place". Such features include recording video, voice dialing/control, cut, copy, & paste, "voice memos" etc.

"Features" such as these are often found on many other phones, but apple junkies don't accept this reality and must go get the newest Apple product, because of all the new features.

Apple Junkie: Dude! Look at my new iPhone 3gs! It's got all these new features!

Dude: Like what?

Apple Junkie: I can dial with my voice!

Dude: I've been able to do that for years...

👍119 👎77

What does "FEATURED" mean?

to get involved, amongst it, to go on the pull, to flange.

I wanna feature with that rat.
Big Feature.
I cant wait to feature.

👍129 👎81

FEATURED - what does it mean?

someone who is plain but puts style into things, simple but yet makes their appearence look tidy, with no extremes but set apart from others

Her outfit is pretty feature.
Don't you like how he is just feature and doesn't try to hard to be accepted?

👍119 👎71

FEATURED - meaning

"feature" is a synonym, often used negatively, to state one's preferences. Used as a verb, it gained use amongst homosexuals in the NYC club scene in the late 1980's

Q: Do you want a hot dog?
A: No, I don't feature hot dogs.

👍129 👎65

FEATURED - definition

Able to get featured.

Such as the kind of video which can get featured on youtube.

Whatthebuck was obviously highly featureable. Unlike that ScaryDAve guy at the thechurchofdave channel.

👍31 👎11

FEATURED - slang

featuring that means to show that it is a part of you, your life, or your belongings.

as what you have or act like, that other people can see or notice about you.

if you are featuring something, that means you like it or will show it about you.

"im not featuring that."
"I'm totally featuring that."

👍25 👎11


serving, as in presentation and showcasing usually in a fashionable way

And what are you featuring?

1990 Thierry Mugler girl!

👍125 👎39


The name (created by Tee Noir) for the idea that Eurocentric features (slim nose, high cheekbones, and loose curls) are more favorable than Afrocentric features (coily hair, wide nose, dark skin).

“Because of featurism, the only wide spread representation of black women in the media are light-skinned women with loose curls and light eyes.”

👍73 👎19


Humorous way used to describe the way programs tend to be overloaded with functions until it gets useless.

Office is affected by featuritis!!

👍39 👎11