Definder - what does the word mean?

What is FDP?

Full Defensive Pact
Used in online games when clan / party / guild have made pact to help each others when needed.

Our guild have FDP with guild XXX.

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FDP - meme gif

FDP meme gif

FDP - video


FDP - what is it?

FDP is a word you use for a girl who have a Fishy DIrty Pussy. Fishy Dirty Pussy

That girl I fingered had FDP

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What does "FDP" mean?

"FDP" is an italian popular expression to define a motherfucker. Italians also are used to call this "Lorenzo Taddei" or "Nutria".

Yestreday I saw a FDP walking down the street.

My friend tricked me! He's a nutria/Lorenzo Taddei!

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FDP - what does it mean?

abbreviation for
Free Drink Party; a gathering in which free beverages are served, often alcoholic in nature.

Hey, are you hitting the Culture Map FDP?

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FDP - meaning

Spanish, Chilean origin. Stands for/abbreviates: FALTA DE PICO (FDP), Spanish to English translation means She's missing or is in need of dick/penis.

(Spanish/Castellano) Abreviacion, falta de pico.

(Spanish/Castellano): "Esta huevona esta tan pesada, yo creo que esta FDP".

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FDP - definition

Some say it’s short for Former Domestic Partner, but feel free to leverage it as you see fit...ex: Fuckin’ Dumb Prick

Ughh...FDP is coming over in 5 minutes to pick up the kids.

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FDP - slang

Fan of Pokemon in french. (Fan de Pokemon).

Commonly used by Pokemon Revolution Online Players.

It is making me really upset
Cant you all be happy fdps and not fight?

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Fazers Demand Proof
Used on the forums by Fazed members. Often utilized when someone posts something with no evidence or backing.

supernipchick: I just got a tattoo on my left boobie today!
seven: FDP!

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Son of a bitch in Portuguese (filho da puta). Commonly used by Age of Empires and Age of Mythology players.

<player1> u fuckin fdp cheater
<player2> stfu fdp

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French word that means Fils de pute or Son of a bitch

je n'aime pas ce fdp

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