Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Culture?

The community. Our people, our Hood, our ancestors.

The beat of the drums, the poetic lyrics from our pens, and the cries of our voices in blues/hip hop/soul are our marks for The Culture.

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the Culture - video


The Culture - what is it?

Cultured is a word that don’t need a definition, it’s more of a β€˜if you know then you know’ type of thing…

Just stay Cultured kmt you don’t wanna be that guy thats lip sincing all the songs in the party

β€œYeah he’s Cultured he can come in, that bitch is clueless tho she’s gotta wait outside”

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What does "the Culture" mean?

Some bullshit that corporations like to throw around to pretend not to be either evil or incompetent. Either that or they are just blindly copying other corporations lead in newspeak.

Dick: The buzz term was diversity but now it's culture. That's culture bob! Make sure to tell prospective associates about the unique culture here a Low Pay Corp. A new culture better than at Working Associates Off the Clock Inc.'s new culture. I don't know what it hell it means but say it repeatedly and waste at least 45 minutes of their time talking about. We got a memo from the dumbass boss telling us to do so.

Bob: He's running the place into the ground so how can this be wrong? We still pay 7 bucks an hour right?

Dick: That's the culture here.

This culture Bullshit is brought to you by the same people that decided employees are associates. Most people in America that are called associates make well under 10 bucks an hour but some where bullshitters decided to market that they are partners.

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The Culture - what does it mean?

Culture is a vague but meaningless term used by clueless high school sports team coaches, which tries to shift the focus of a team's success from the talent of the players to the "vision" or other attributes of the coach.

"We had a normal coach here last season who said the only time he wanted to hear the word "culture" was if they were going to culture brain tissue from a dead player to see if he had CTE."

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The Culture - meaning

To create a new culture within a system

Im going to culturize the world

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The Culture - definition

a controlled growth of bacteria

culture: people assume they are part of a culture, they are right

culture: many bacteria don't assume they are, but they are

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The Culture - slang

The totality of communication practices and systems of meaning; a whole way of life of a people; the social production and reproduction of sense, meaning and consciousness. Culture does not express the way of life of a people, it actively shapes up that way of life.


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The Culture

An anime culture created by weebs for weebs.

Usually used in conjunction with an ecchi anime or in extreme cases, hentai.

This is culture!
I just watched a cultured anime ;)
mmm, this show is very cultured.

Damn, you are as cultured as me!

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The Culture

To have refinement in taste and manners. To be refined, well-educated or wordly. May apply to manners, dress, language or lifestyle. Learned in the way of civilized society.

He is a cultured gentleman.

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The Culture

Socially transmitted patterns of action and expression. Material culture refers to physical objects, such as dwellings, clothing, tools, and crafts. Culture also includes arts, beliefs, knowledge, and technology.

Learned patterns of action and expression constitute culture.

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