Definder - what does the word mean?

What is F*CKED?

To hit the "Wettest" Vagina, "She got that "Aquafina"

"Shorty Pus*sy was wetter than a Cup of water bruh...I just f*cked a cup of water

👍33 👎13

F*CKED - meme gif

F*CKED meme gif

F*CKED - video


F*CKED - what is it?

AKA : "Fucked up" this version is for people under the age of 13 and/or are christian and cannot swear. Really just some pussy who is scared of their mommy finding out.

kid : dammit i f*cked up

other player: dude are you like 12 you can swear on the internet you little christian bitch, or are you too scared that your mum will find out?

kid : :'(

👍57 👎27

What does "F*CKED" mean?

Messed-up; screwed; absolutely wasted

God's gotten mad at us

We're all f*cked!

👍45 👎13