Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ezek?

Hungarian meme for recognising other hungarian fellas.
When a hungarian found another hungarian person in an english social media comment section or found a hungarian person irl in another county they say "ezek a mienking" meaning: "they are one of us!"

*somewhere in the west*
hungarian person one: *shouts "kurva anyád"* (meaning: you son of a bitch!)
Other hungarian person who heard it: Ezek a mieink!!

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Ezek - meme gif

Ezek meme gif

Ezek - video


Ezek - what is it?

A young boy who loves Fortnite so much his bedroom is made out of durr burger and tomato heads and spends so much money but doesn’t have PVE (Save The World). He says he likes Marvel but he teases people about liking it.
He is a smart fellow in Maths lol.


DeCarrotBrad 2468 is YouTube name please subscribe to DeCarrot Clan as well (Team Tazer old name)

Ezek isn’t a sweaty try hard like MG lollollol
We like YouTube twitch streamers suck

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