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What is Extraphysical Technology?

Extraphysical Technology or Technoextraphysics is a board area of extraphysics, involving the use of extraphysical mechanics and extraphysical properties and functions to make products and technologies. Depending of the tools and applications, it often overlaps with related extraphysical and technological fields. Extraphysical technology often works with the development of technologies that would work at extraphysical level and being able to use of extraphysical mechanics and extraphysical propeties and that could be used for several goals such as building an extraphysical civilization and turn humanity into an extraphysical species.

"Extraphysical technology is just really amazing, it's really nice to know that we might have in the future more alternatives to classical transhumanism and that those alternatives can be far better and far useful than classical transhumanism itself, despite it might take a lot of time until they are completely developed."

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Extraphysical Technology - video
