Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Extra Ordinary?

you shit in the woman's vagina and then fuck with it, then shove a cucumber up her bum, then ejaculate in her mouth smack the back of her head and then the cum comes out of the front of her nostrils and semi- mouth and then you take a condom and fill it with dhit and put it in the freezer for a few minutes then take it out and insert it into the female slowly then puke in her vag and take out the bag of shit then fuck her.

Dude i used the extra ordinary combo on your cousin and she's pissed

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Extra Ordinary - video


Extra Ordinary - what is it?

super normal since your extra ordinary like wtf you’re not different. just go back to ben shaw life and be a legendary prospect that just ate to many cakes at hooters

wow bourneo missed an open net. what an extra ordinary play. he should honestly just kill himself. this is smocket league

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