Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Essah?

An absolute unit.Typically lives off of chicken.Has a hatred for people called Rhys.Never say a word about his family or it’s πŸ’€

Definition: Certified good member

Rhys: Essah’s family is s-

*Essah Khan kills Rhys*

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Essah - meme gif

Essah meme gif

Essah - video


Essah - what is it?

Essah is a very nice and caring person. He/She sometimes doubts himself/herself and lose confidence, but she'll/he'll always get back on her/his feet. Essah is very pretty to be honest. Doesn't trust strangers too easily, and will only trust and be open to you when you're good friends. Has many friends but little trusted ones. Essah's personality and characteristic is one of a trillion. Very good at giving compliments, and will always cheer you up when you're feeling down. If you ever meet an Essah, stop and greet him/her. He/She will always greet you back.

human 1: I was sulking because I got low grades a while ago, and this person came up to me and cheered me up. I'm very thankful to him/her.

human 2: Oh that must be an Essah!

human 1: Really? How do you know?

human 2: Because that's just how they are.

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What does "Essah" mean?

The best looking most confident person in the world.

Bare ppl aspire to be Essah but fail.

Usually tall and wears glasses

Yo look at Essah get all the girls

Innit I wish I was Essah

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Essah - what does it mean?

A tall Brown Persian man who wears glasses and enjoys filming extreme sports.

Man Where is essah when we need to film skateboarding?

Did you see essah? he looks like a tree.

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