Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Engle's?

VOrne KUrz HInten LAng (DDR slang). Also "Nackenmatte" would bring it to the point.

👍53 👎13

Engle's - meme gif

Engle's meme gif

Engle's - video


Engle's - what is it?

Fucked, fucked up, owned, and gay.

Marx&Engles got fucked up by Vantage.

👍35 👎73

What does "Engle's" mean?

Two people who wrote about the marxist ideas,they had the right idea, but beacause of people not willing to give up greed and jealousy, it could never work, starlin later on tryed there ideas in communism, but failed, because of his own greed and his people's greed.

Marx&Engles two people who could have changed the world

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Engle's - what does it mean?

Without a doubt the most superest-duperest motor-chode mechanic the world has ever known. His lack of motivation in all areas of his life often lead to severe ass chewings, which he promptly disregards and then proceeds to play Command and Conquer. He also cooks delicious steaks and is covered in dirt.

That guy is so awesome and apathetic all at once, he's such an Ethan Engle!

👍31 👎11

Engle's - meaning

also known as lady gaga's kath. a kath is a blonde who dances in the dark and hates butch volleyball players. she is often is dipped in gravey and dances on rooftops wearing moccasins at midnight, but is deffinally not a loossy goose, enjoys smushing while watching full house. sinner.

"KATH ENGLES" and paris hiltion party hardy in their leather studded cardies. just sayin.

👍51 👎19

Engle's - definition

The one person who could single-handedly ruin middle school lives in 90 minutes. You either hate him or you love him. Looks 25 and 50 at the same time. His evil stare could make satin shit his pants.

Kid: yo bro there's piss running down ur leg what happened??
Other kid: I had mr engles class third block.

👍25 👎11

Engle's - slang

Ms. Engle has curly hair and is a science teacher who is the biggest bitch ever and she is so annoying that I want to shit myself

Ms. Engle sucks ass

👍67 👎15


1.From the greek word englbritzer, engle is often used in a sense, or term if something doesnt go as planned or works out to your disadvantage.

2. A great term used on the golf course, for either a really good shot or a bad shot. Also used in terms of scoring, approriate for a good or bad hole.

engled, engling

1. I went out with the guys last night to the pub and there were some becker chicks there that we definitely had a chance with. Sure enough we engled our chances and ended up throwing our beef that night.

2. I engled my 2nd shot into the lake and took a bogey. But two holes later I got it back with a great putt to make engle!

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Being a sex goddess, being the master of sex

Me: I'm such a Will Engle.

You: Really?! I'm a sex god too!
Me: Will Engle buddies!

👍33 👎11


1. To be reprimanded by a supreme authority.

2. To be lectured or scolded

3. To be punched in the face

"Oh man I didn't call in sick yesterday I'm really going to get Engled now."

"Man if you keep doing that you're going to get Engled. Don't say i didn't warn you"

"HA! She told you, you so got Engled."

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