Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Elephant Gun?

The Dostevei in the N64 game, Goldeneye. So called because it's gray.

I just picked up two Dosteveis, gonna' bust a cap up in your grill.

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Elephant Gun - video


Elephant Gun - what is it?

n. euphemism for the male organ

John whipped out his elephant gun.

👍59 👎33

What does "Elephant Gun" mean?

(n.) a large rifle, similar to a shotgun, that fires heavy slugs designed to bring down an elephant in two shots.

(n.) A wart (or similar infection) on the hand that fires puss when squeed.

The amount of damage that shotgun did was consistant to an elephant gun

He has an elephant gun.

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Elephant Gun - what does it mean?

Long/large surf board for big waves.

What kind of stick (surfboard) are you bringin' with you?
Answer: I'm bringin' the elephant gun.

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