Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ed Hardy's?

A fashion label created by a guy who actually has some legitimate background in the design world. If you can score it on close-out, it might be an OK deal. But unfortunately, most of the time it is overpriced, and worn by douchebags who are just trying to make themselves look more interesting than they really are.

I'm just a white-collar office worker from the suburbs, so when I go out after work, I need to ramp it up a notch by wearing clothes like Ed Hardy so I can look street-wise and hip. Gotta wear a beanie too, even if it's 80 degrees out and it makes me look like a homeless person.

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Ed Hardy's - video


Ed Hardy's - what is it?

A ridiculously overpriced and tacky brand of designer clothing. People who sport this brand can be bros trying to dress up, or guidos taking a break from the sweatsuit. The people who wear this brand generally go to clubs and try to pick up on girls, who tell them to fuck off, because they are not interested in men who are A.) homosexual, or B.) Insecure and obviously not very fashionable. These clothes are predominately west coast, because if you moved to New York, people know how to spend their money and buy such brands as Armani, or Burberry. The worst thing about an ed hardy tee (besides the wearer) are the cliche images and phrases like "love kills" and skulls with snakes. Oh yeah, what happened to the shoe laces?

Jared: that guys wearing ed hardy

Ben:lets beat his ass for fun.

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What does "Ed Hardy's" mean?

An incredibly stupid and overpriced (think Hot Topic but even more stupid and over-priced than that) clothing brand worn by hipsters and "starving artists" in Hollywood. The brand is known for it's idiotic and faux hard core "tattoo-print" t-shirts and fucking trucker hats. Ashley Tisdale is a fan, so that should give you some clues as to how credible it is.

Soon-to-be-hipster: I know! Instead of spending my money on some good quality clothes, how about I throw down two hundred dollars for that tacky sweater over at Ed Hardy's?

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Ed Hardy's - what does it mean?

A brand of overpriced clothing which teenagers from ages 13 up to 20+ buy simply because it is overpriced and sparkly. Ed Hardy is famous for making it obvious to spot douchebags, wannabees, wiggers, semi-rich middle class who believe they are super rich because they wear it, etc. Go onto facebook, nexopia or myspace and chances are - you'll spot a few lowlife teenagers taking mirror pictures with their middle fingers up and ED HARDY on. Ed Hardy makes them feel as if they are walking through a fashion show...a tacky fashion show but a fashion show nonetheless.


"Oh my god, girl, did you see that Ed Hardy sweater on sale for $100? I HAVE to buy it so everyone thinks I'm wealthy and fashionable."

"That guy in the Ed Hardy sweater-"

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Ed Hardy's - meaning

A clothing line designed by a 'designer' by the name of Christian Audiger. Most often featuring pictures of skulls and flowers sometimes with crystals or sequins sewn onto the shirts so one can look like a disco ball florist. You can often see fat girls wearing ed hardy or a jacked up broski wearing it often with a fat girl on his arm along with his tribal tattoo.

In the past these people wore a brand known as 'Von Dutch', which at the time they felt was just as cool. These people believe it is fashionable because it is 'more expensive' than other brands but don't be fooled, if you live in a trailer park you too can afford an Ed Hardy T-shirt. The same Ed Hardy tshirts found in 'fashion' outlets can be found at T.J Maxx for 10$.

There is no hope for people who wear Ed Hardy. They will tell you 'not to bash Ed Hardy just because you can't afford it', though you can, you just have better style and you don't want to pay money to look like a douchebag. This does not get through to these people, so you should not bother arguing with them but instead tell them the fake diamonds on their hat really bring out the blue in their eyes.

Also see: Dom Rebel, Affliction and Tapout

Hardy-on: I got no style, I got no class, I wear Ed Hardy and I get no ass!

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Ed Hardy's - definition

The ugliest clothing line, EVER. It's an overly expensive brand that features stupid logos like skulls, snakes, and hearts (fucking gothic). I don't give a fuck how expensive the clothes are - you look like a douchebag.

GothicBoy - Hey, where did you get your hoody? Hot Topic?

Wannabe - No! It's Ed Hardy. I got it online for $175! That's not including 1 day shipping!

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Ed Hardy's - slang

1. A brand of clothing worn solely by douche bags.

2. A determining factor that tells an individual which club to stay in and which to leave.
3. A clothing line that says: "Sparkly tigers, and multiple colors are not gay!" and "These jeans with this heart on them are not queer!"
4. A way to tell other men to punch you In the face, kick you in the crotch, and leave you on the side of the road to die.
5. A means of repelling women.
6. Rage inducing symbols and designs, meant to inspire people to become serial killers.
7. Clothing that must have the name displayed on them so that you know the person wearing them is looking for gay sex.
8. A way for all douche bags all over the world to say "I'm an individual."

Jennifer: "How good is this club?"
Jessica: "there are tons of guys in there wearing Ed hardy."
Jennifer: "that’s it were leaving, I'm never going to come here again."
Roger: "Hey baby, check out my cool Ed hardy shirt!"
Jane: "DIE!" (proceeds to kick him in the nuts until every bone in her foot shatters.)

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Ed Hardy's

A tragically hip LA Based clothing brand.The brand started the new wave of urban hipster fashion along with CHROME HEARTS,AFFLICTION,JUICY...etc.Has come to signify an ability to overpay for loudly colored clothing.Has become a status signifier amongst BMER/BENZ driving club kids who still live at home.Cougar MILFS can be seen wearing it on bonding trips to the mall with their sociopath offspring. The preferred clothing of the DOUCHEBAG GENERATION.

NEWPORT BEACH/UCI HOTTIE:"My mom's in Aspen...but she just leased me this new C-CLASS-and left me the Amex for some shopping."

I need a new ED HARDY tee."

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Ed Hardy's

A wanky, chavvy, poor quality, overpriced AND hideous clothing line worn by wannabe gangstas and 'trendy' dickheads. It manages to rinse out your wallet for a stupid trucker hat which makes you look like a reject from your local skate park and decrease your popularity with the opposite sex at the same time. A phrase often used by the twats trying to defend it is 'dont diss it because you cant afford it'. Well, you live in a council house and i am writing this on my iphone. So shut your face.

Cock: lets go shopping and buy some ed hardy shit!!!
Sensible person: um, dont you think its only worn by wankers though?
Cock: OH EM GEE i cannot believe you just said that! Dont diss it because you cant afford it!
Sensible person: i rest my case.

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Ed Hardy's

A douchebag brand NOT worn by hipsters. Ed Hardy consists of ridiculously low quality garments at a hideously jacked up price. No, people aren't jealous of Ed Hardy wearing Douchebags, they actually have better taste.

The average person who wears Ed Hardy probably thinks he's "hardcore" and the girls who wear them are Trendwhores. If you have an Ed Hardy shirt, True Religion Jeans or Rock and Republic or Juicy Couture, guess what? You are a douche. Please log off earth.

Please consider respectable clothing by WeSC, APC, and Nudie. They are around the same price range but don't scream douchebag, AND won't rip up in about a week.

Trendwhore: "Omg! Ashlee I totally like got this ed hardy purse to match my juicy shirt and true religions! I'm gonna totally like match this to my uggs!"
Douche: "Bro your Fauxhawk and Ed Hardy shirt are SICK! Lets spray ourselves with axe and hit up melrose!"

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