Definder - what does the word mean?


when u send someone to consume more than clout

β€œalllrightt.. eat it off your face, doop!”

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EAT YOUR FACE - what is it?

Verb: to eat huge quantities of delicious food for the pure joy of eating

Commonly used by dieters and college students

Dieter 1: Hey, where are you going to take a vacation to this year?

Dieter 2: Thinkin bout a cruise

Dieter 1: Dude! You could so Eat Your Face Off at the sick buffets

Dieter 2: Rock on!

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What does "EAT YOUR FACE" mean?

When someone is really hungry and your face looks really yummy, they may want to eat your face.

I'm hungry!

Lemme eat your face!

*Chomp!* *omnomnom*


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EAT YOUR FACE - what does it mean?

1. Expression used by an individual in regard to another individual (at a distance), when said second individual looks as though they cannot contain their anger in regard to something someone in their vicinity has done to them.

2. Expression used by an individual when said individual cannot contain their anger in regard to something someone has done to them, when speaking to the offender.

1st "Dude, what the hell did you do to her?"
2nd "Why? What's wrong?"
1st "She looks like she's going to eat your face, man."

"Dude, why in God's name did you hook up with my girlfriend?! I'm so pissed off I could eat your face right now."

Recently heard on "Scrubs"

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EAT YOUR FACE - meaning

Originates from reports of people under the influence of the drug known as bath salts eating people's faces.

1. Can be used as a threat.
2. Can be used as a compliment.

1. Person A: I stole your cookie!

Person B: I'm going to eat your face!
2. He's so cute I'm gonna eat his face!

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EAT YOUR FACE - definition

Term for the one you are madly in love

Means: kiss you intensly, show love

I'm gunna eat your face when I see you!

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