Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Dreamsmp?

Very cray cray people aka kids, who are obsessed with young YouTube's who play video games. For example, doing halloween costumes of them, making up sexualities LIKE Dreamsexual ect ect. I recommend staying away from them or at-least be cautious when talking about the SMP's, cause if you say something SLIGHTLY "bad" about them like saying their not your favourite YouTube, they will ATTACK you.

I very much dislike DreamSMP fans, because they are very feisty and obsessive.

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Dreamsmp - meme gif

Dreamsmp meme gif

Dreamsmp - video


Dreamsmp - what is it?

dreamsmp._.obsession is a very underrated tiktokker. I am friend with them and they are kind, caring, and is very sweet and theycare abt me and others so much and I love them so much!

"Did u hear about dreamsmp._.obsession?"
"Yeah! I love their content!"

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What does "Dreamsmp" mean?

dreamsmp._.obsession is a very underrated tiktokker. I am friends with them and they are really kind and caring for me and for others and I love dreamsmp._.obsession

"Did u heard about dreamsmp._.obsession?"

"Yeah! I love her content so much!"

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Dreamsmp - what does it mean?

13-14 year old girls who ship real life ppl who play minecraft. They are greasy and smelly. Everytime they see blue and green, they say β€œomg its dnf!! πŸ˜πŸ˜β€ They say poggers a lot 😰 they always sing that horrible dream song, & pretend its good. tommyinnit is a pimple face who says he gets lesbians!! i hate those gremlins!! 😑😑😜😜

greaseball- i love dreamsmp!! they all are so hot!!
me- this is why i don’t like the dreamsmp fandom!! πŸ˜¨πŸŽ‚

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Dreamsmp - meaning

A phenomena where Youtubers are flooded with popularity and growth simply for partaking in Dream's Minecraft server, the Dream SMP. This can (and will) also have a lasting effect on who said Youtuber's fanbase is comprised of, who tunes in to watch a new upload or livestream, etc.
Some notable examples of the DreamSMP Effect are Slimecicle, Tommyinnit, Purpled and Jschlatt, as they received copious amounts of channel growth after joining the server, and their fanbase is still largely composed of fans of that series (except in Jschlatt's case iykyk).

Person 1: Man, I'm such a superfan of badboyhalo! I love watching his videos!

Person 2: you literally discovered they existed five minutes ago you soggy fucking tea towel

Person 2 (cont.): besides the only reason you watch him is bc he does stuff with mask guy in that mc server

Person 2 (cont.): its the DreamSMP Effect in real time

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Dreamsmp - definition

Somebody who goes out of their way to express their hatred for the DreamSMP Minecraft Server.

DreamSMP Antis are different to people who generally dislike/don't watch DreamSMP, they generally will go out of their way to harass DreamSMP fans rather than just ignore them. Harassment includes raiding Discord servers, sending death threats or using slurs. DreamSMP Antis tend to make outlandish claims and go quiet or start cussing when asked for sources and are of the opinion that if you like DreamSMP, you have no opinion. They like to preach about accountability but will get transphobic or call you fatherless very quickly the minute they have to take accountability.

1 - I don't really like DreamSMP.
2 - That's fine.
3 - Anyone who likes DreamSMP is racist.
1 - That's a DreamSMP Anti. Do you have any proof?
3 - Fatherless. You use they/them so you don't have an opinion.

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Dreamsmp - slang

It is in the name. The Dream SMP is where a bunch of Minecraft YouTubers such as Technoblade, Tommyinnit, Tubbo, Fundy, and obviously Dream roleplay and the subreddit is about the SMP.

Tommy: Hey I'm going to go on r/dreamsmp. And see if anybody drew any fanart of us.
Wilbur: Shut up child.

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very, VERY, lovely and attractive people, ekspecially dwt. he is the definition of why looks dont matter, love him.

β€œoh! you watch the dreamSMP? which mcyt is your favorite?”

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the dream smp is a minecraft server created by dream or dreamwastaken. lots of streamers and youtubers make videos and stream on it. these people are dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, karl jacobs, quackity, jschlatt, tommyinnit, tubbo, wilbur soot, nihachu, fundy, purpled, awesamdude, ponk, punz, technoblade, itsalyssa, callahan, the_eret, skeppy, badboyhalo, thunder1408/jack manifold, hbomb94, antfrost, ninja, andrea botez and dreams sister who plays on dreams account. the dream smp is great and often makes my day.

indiana: what’s your favorite tv show?

sarah: the dreamsmp!

indiana: that’s not a tv show...

sarah: well it might as well be one!

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The Dreamsmp is a Minecraft server concluding some of the following, not all of them tho. Dream Sapnap Georgenotfound. It also has a pretty cool fandom with some toxic viewers

β€œThe Dreamsmp is the reason I’m happy, no cap β€œ

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