Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Dr Dan?

A peculiar mammal often found lurking in the shadows of great entertainers such as Gervais, Hamish, Andy and Rove. Unfortunately, his greatest achievement, a mediocre college TV show shackles him to the past and guards against any future success. He is well advised to stick with the engineering where he is best able to sing his own praises to unenthused workmates around the water cooler.

That Dr Dan loves looking at himself in the mirror.

Hey there is that Dr Dan guy, what a battler.

👍31 👎51

Dr Dan - video


Dr Dan - what is it?

- noun
1. The useful half of Claptrap (the useful sixth by mass).

J Stu is a useless cunt, unlike Dr Dan.

👍41 👎13