Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Dorion?

Dorion help It’s me Eric I am stuck in a refrigerator and the government is preventing me from using any social media platforms so my only way of contacting you is through urban dictionary

Dorion this is no joke please let me out

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Dorion - what is it?

Your basic rich entitled white bitch, a hope dorion is a rich white girl who believes that everyone likes her and wants any guy that another girl likes. If you talk to the hope dorion it will seem nice until proven not and it will more than likely talk shit about you behind your back before denying ever talking to you in the first place

Dude, that asshole who tired to fight you is a total Hope Dorion

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What does "Dorion" mean?

Typically used to define a fuck up. Occurs when an individual smothers their face in that of a woman for hours on end without receiving the favour back.

An infamous tactic of Dorions is to "plant the seed" - however, the seed never seems to turn into anything.

Beyond those, Dorion is often used as a synonym for homosexual.

You pulled a Dorion last night? Ew grosse.

The last thing I'd ever want to be called is a Dorion.

Dorion is the weakest link in the Platoon.

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Dorion - what does it mean?

A very brilliant, handsome, talented and memorable individual.

Oh my God!!! That's Dorion!

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