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What is Doodle Lupus?

Doodle Lupus
Origin: late 21st century English


1. (Medical) Described in late 2021, a disease primarily psychiatric in origin, wherein all perceived ailments are related to a singular underlying source. It is characterized by diffuse pain, poor sleep, minimal activity, victimhood, and a feeling of specialness, significance. Uniformly fatal within the mind.

2. (Astronomical) The hybrid poodle and wolf. A constellation situated close to and almost within Uranus.

โ€œMy husband wonโ€™t talk to me, my house is a wreck, and this flare-up of doodle lupus is causing extreme brain fog with 10/10 pain, so yes, Terry, Iโ€™m going to need an extra hour coming into work today.โ€

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