Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Doniel?

someone of legendary status who's reputation proceeds them.

it is a cross between don and daniel. an affectionate term.

what an absolute fucking doniel

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Doniel - meme gif

Doniel meme gif

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Doniel - what is it?

Doniel is a very athletic person. He is very quiet and sometimes likes being alone. Also he is smart and nice. But all the times he is a loner.

Doniel is always good at every game

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What does "Doniel" mean?

Donielle is a dope, awesome, pretty female but doesn’t know it. She may be cool with a lot of people but is introverted as well. Can be real and petty at times but that’s what people like about her. May enjoy music and has hidden-talents 🀫

Friend one: ayee Donielle you trying to beat up john with me

Donielle: sure

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Doniel - what does it mean?

best person ever. very pretty. great sense of humor. wonderful mom, friend, girlfriend, and wife. if you ever meet a donielle you are so lucky and you will never forget her. she is super outgoing but keeps her feeling to herself. never let a donielle go.

donielle is the best mom.

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Doniel - meaning

Pure awesomeness, most likely very beautiful and independent, with a steadfast and stubborn attitude.

The best little sister ever.

Omg I love my Donielle!

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