Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Djimon?

Djimon, also known as a Big Black dude who is thirsty as hell for some girls around him. He looks like a dangerous criminal but he is a sweet boy who likes to cuddle with animals. Furthermore he is always in for a party. His nickname is Djimale. A Djimon is always present and he takes girls to an alley and he does dirty things with them.

Wow look at that guy! He looks like a Djimale!
Girls love a Djimon.

He is always present at parties. That is a real Djimon!

👍29 👎13

Djimon - meme gif

Djimon meme gif

Djimon - video


Djimon - what is it?


Djimon H. is so damn hot i cant.

👍25 👎11

What does "Djimon" mean?

Massive sexy beast. Got stupendju income #EZ. Makes kids scream. He could be an instalock virgin but still could be a person that bullies alpinoo2.

I wish I could be a Djimon

👍25 👎11

Djimon - what does it mean?

This person is a all pro at every sport, is very funny, can make you smile, knows how to get the ladies and keep them, a very great guy and friend to have.

Djimon is a beast.

👍73 👎17