Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Dinkster?

a fucking stupid cunt

Dinkster is a fucking stupid cunt

👍37 👎55

Dinkster - video


Dinkster - what is it?

An idiot who often barges into a social situation and unintentionally, yet loudly, makes an ass of himself on a frequent basis. Often a dinkster is so socially inept that they are trouble to be around.
(Variation of a dink, with more of a clueless conotation.)

The dinksters took a harmless, silly prank way to seriously and they called the cops on me. How dink is that!!

👍73 👎55

What does "Dinkster" mean?

Travels using a parasol to descend from the sky to arrive at their destination to defeat robots using a lasso.
A Dinkster expects everybody to know who they are and is massively big headed.

"Did somebody ring the Dinkster?"

👍151 👎19

Dinkster - what does it mean?

An insult you would use against someone but also not wanting to hurt their feelings.

or what to call that one annoying twit who post shitty urban dictionary definitions

You Dinkster!

👍35 👎15