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What is Dimas?


Bruh u catching the dimas disease

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Dimas - meme gif

Dimas meme gif

Dimas - video


Dimas - what is it?

dimas is annoying peice of shit

jeeff is now a dimas

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What does "Dimas" mean?

dimas is the most annoying piece of shit ever

That kid is a dimas

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Dimas - what does it mean?

A Dimas is a person who is overly proud to be Portuguese. They are often blinded by their pride during major Soccer tournaments in which Portugal is in. The female Dimas is just as common as the male Dimas and they often congregate on social media with incoherent ramblings about soccer.

You can often find them fishing for compliments, such as asking for congratulations after Portugal won a soccer match, despite them not having any role in the win.

The common Dimas is typically dormant for 2 years, but often wakes up just a week or so before a major soccer tournament. Full Dimas maturity varies, but this usually occurs on or after Portugal's second match in any Euro/World Cup.

They often idolize Cristiano Ronaldo, comparing him to God or Jesus.

10/10 on the being extra scale.

She's Dimasing hard right now after Portugal's win over Uganda.

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Dimas - meaning

Dimas is a sweet low key nerd who is wierd but in a good way he is mischievous and is so fun to be around

Omfg there goes dimas

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Dimas - definition

A perfectionist handsome man with a big 6 inch wood that make girls going crazy about him

Girls 1: who is that guy?

Girls 2: Dimas, a handsome man with big 6 inch wood

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Dimas - slang

An alright guy who is cocky af but generally a nice guy. He the guy that comes over every saturday at 6:30 and wants to hangout

Person1: Dimas is here

Person2: Nice, lets invite *friend* over aswell

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Dimas is the most sexy and seductive boy y’all ever meet. Besides his colosal cock, he will make you wet with his smile. If you find him, take care if you don’t wanna be pregnant instantly.


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He has a big wood

Wow dimas wood is so big

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Dimas is a very sweet guy. Very understanding and can help you in times of need. When ever you feel down you can always call him to cheer you up. Nicest guy you could ever meet. He is Fun and exciting. And he is also very attractive and handsome. His smile will melt your heart. And his eyes will make you fall in deep love. Once he is in your life you can’t forget about him. He just keeps running in your mind ! Love him and appreciate him

boy: is that your boyfriend ?
girl: yea! His name is Dimas and He is the Best

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