Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Deep V?

A vneck shirt worn by males whom identify as female because of how deep the v is. Males such as Cody Jennings, can also be a flamboyant homosexual who likes showing off his depleted masculinity.

That Cody Jennings in his deep v makes me feel more confident in my manhood.

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Deep V - video


Deep V - what is it?

While engaging in a devil's 3-way, the males lock hands, forming an upside-down V. The female reaches around and tazes the males in the genitals if they break the upside-down deep-V.

I can't believe Tyler and Garrett wanted to do an Upside-Down Deep-V Reach-around with me. It was intense!

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What does "Deep V" mean?

A penis, It's a deep vagina diver

You have a big deep-v diver.

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Deep V - what does it mean?

A slang term often used to describe a bottomless vaginal cavity. Popular among hipsters of the homosexual persuasion.

Man, did you see Gavin's deep v today?

What? I knew that mothafucka didn't have no dick

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Deep V - meaning

It's a V neck that's V goes halfway down your chest. Usually worn by hipsters and douchebags who want to show off their chest hair or lack there of.

Mike: Dude, that guys V neck practically showed his nipples!

Dave: Eww, Deep V's are disgusting.

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