Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Deamon's?

a deamon ninja is someone who is a master of stealth and melee on halo, especilly with melee specified weapons such as the sword.

guy 1: dude that guy just raped us in team swords.
gut 2: yea he must be a deamon ninja.

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Deamon's - meme gif

Deamon's meme gif

Deamon's - video


Deamon's - what is it?

Occurs during sleep paralysis when a Deamon literally takes out his dick and fucks you in the ass and face.

Wyatt: β€œHey Clayton FUCK YOU”!
Clayton: β€œI hope you get Deamon Dicked tonight”!
Wyatt: Dude that’s fucked

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What does "Deamon's" mean?

A good cs player...He is in FTP clan!!He`s favourite weapon is Mp4-for stupid people colt....he also likes deagle!

...mda asta pt romanii care il cunosc bai!!!

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Deamon's - what does it mean?

n. Residual shit between ones ass crack, due to improper wiping techniques, which dries to cause severe anal discomfort, physical activity can exagerate such effects.

Yo dude, I gotta stop and take a shower. I've got a haggard crusty ass deamon kickin. All this Dance Dance Revolution is rubbin it raw bro.

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Deamon's - meaning

For the spazzes who can’t spell demonic correctly

Guy: hey how do you spell deamonic
Guy 2: deamonic
Guy: you fucking dickhead

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Deamon's - definition

means more demonic than a demon

like ellyn is a deamon at 8:30 on sunday april 29, 2007

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Deamon's - slang

beings who, yes, follow Satan, and yes are not fond of most humans, but who CAN have a moral conscience. They were originally angels, but were cast out by god because he had to tell humans that whatever they held true on earth would hold true in taking it too far, my kind was thrown out...and yes, we're quite upset about it, but we also have a respect for natural balance.

"We deamons shall have our day."

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