Definder - what does the word mean?

What is DX's?

US military lingo for "damage exchange" used to describe getting rid of or exchanging a damaged item for a new or better one.

My girlfriend Jen was getting too possessive, so I had to dx her for Sarah.

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DX's - meme gif

DX's meme gif

DX's - video


DX's - what is it?

a short way to abbreviate the integral of e to the power of xy. also known as a nerdy way to call something sexy. pronounced "dicks".

aww dude thats so dx!

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What does "DX's" mean?

It's D-Generation X.

DX's got two words for ya: SUCK IT!

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DX's - what does it mean?

The opposite of XD. Used in IM and Message Boards.

- So then, I was all... Are you listening?
- DX

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DX's - meaning

Diagnosis. usually used referring to a mental health dianosis.

person 1: so whats your dx

person 2: bipolar, yours?

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DX's - definition

A dead face. Sometimes used when screaming or scared. Similar to D:

1. I just got eletricuted! DX
2. Hellooooooo?!?! DX
3. After watching that movie, I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight DX

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DX's - slang

Telling someone to suck your dick, pro-wrestling style. Comes from Degeneration X, who came up with the gesture.

I dont' give a fuck. DX Suck It!

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A name of a clique in the WWE D-Generation X.Telling someone If you aint down with that I got two words for ya SUCK IT!!!(referring to male genitalia)

Man 1:I want respect.

Man 2:You want respect I got two words for ya Suck It!!courtesy of DX

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The opposite of the smiley emoticon "XD". Used to represent moments that are less than satisfactory.

Jim: "My girlfriend broke up with me yesterday."
Me: "That's Dx bro"

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a "smily" icon that means that means if the person is either yelling or screaming, the reverse of "XD"

Cher:You heard about Abby winning the lottery?


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