Definder - what does the word mean?

What is DIE LIT?

Niggas who claim to be Carti fans and have only heard Magnolia or Die Lit or just got on after Die Lit dropped.

I get that you’re new but listening to his old shit is not gone change the fact that you a die lit fan.

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DIE LIT - video


DIE LIT - what is it?

Second studio album from Playboi Carti. A trap inspired album released in 2018 consisting of 19 tracks.

Good tracks: Long time, R.I.P., Love Hurts, Shoota, Poke it out, Foreign, Mileage, Flatbed Freestyle, R.I.P. Fredo, Top
Skips: Lean 4 real, Old money, Fell in Luv, No Time, Middle of the Summer

Have you listened to Die Lit yet?

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What does "DIE LIT" mean?

β€œdie lit” simply means to die, but to die LIT. Whether it’s a dare, a life changing decision, or a very questionable action

, etc. #YOLO

Bella: Hey girl u wanna go sky diving?
Gigi: No that sounds dangerous, I want to live.
Bella: Bitch idgaf, if we die, we gonna DIE LIT.

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DIE LIT - what does it mean?

When your are absolutely shit-faced and blackout whilst lit

Adam: What's the plan tonight?
Shaka: We DIE LIT

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