Definder - what does the word mean?

What is DC'd?

batman and superman unplugged ur wifi

yo you got dc'd - hachi2jz 2021

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DC'd - meme gif

DC'd meme gif

DC'd - video


DC'd - what is it?

There is two types of dc'd, One is where you may disconnect from the internet. which may end your browsing session or your online game.

Or, to be hit in the face with a pair of Dc shoes.

Example 1.

Dave: John, why is your nose bleeding?

John: Dude. a insane Guy just came along and Dc'd me!

Example 2.

EpIcSnIpEr123: Dood im laggin.. ffs! dc'd

EpIcBeEn: Oh... we lost becoz of you dc'in

👍41 👎23

What does "DC'd" mean?

Pronounced 'decked' ; Australian 90's slang for punching someone / knocking them out, aka, 'hitting the deck' (floor).

"Fuck off, you wanna get dc'd cunt".

👍49 👎15

DC'd - what does it mean?

short form of "disconnected". Usually used in online video games to describe frustration for getting booted from the server due to lag or insane graphic choke caused by noobs trying to run World of Warcraft with a GF2.

c00lguy_23: wtf? laaaaag! ffs dc'd!
h4x0r: lol! n00b!

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