Definder - what does the word mean?

What is DAYME?

Gaming during the day time, usually in the AM to early PM

Mooom, I can't come to lunch right now ! Im dayming with the boyzzz

👍25 👎11

DAYME - meme gif

DAYME meme gif

DAYME - video


DAYME - what is it?

The Catch-Phrase said by 2020 Presidental Candidate Chester Stone.

Person 1: "Look at this pack of Newports"
Chester Stone: "God Motha' fuckin DAYM!"

👍25 👎11

What does "DAYME" mean?

A husky boss playa doing his 1 - 2 thang and sliding up to the spot, eloquently prognosticating super official food reviews from the comfort of his dope ride.

Stop playing with my emotions, b. Let's peep game on that new Daym Drops review.

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DAYME - what does it mean?

do naughty things to.

I'll daym you;)

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DAYME - meaning

A word which was invented in the 21st Century by a man named Jaymish Patel. Dayme, pronounced 'Day-me" is usually a word which has no real meaning but a word which is regarded very highly in society.

A word which has been perfected and used over the past 6 years can usually take an abbreviated form of "day". It is commonly used as a greeting.

P-dog "Do the old man day jaymish"
Jaymish "ok ok, Dayme, dayyyyyyyy, dayyyyy"

P-dog "Day?"
Jaymish "Whats gwarning,"

👍67 👎49

DAYME - definition

means damn but prononounced better

DP:Daym steve wah they done to yo hair?

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DAYME - slang

Way to say damn, but it sound more pimp, ladies like it... trust ;)

Daym!!! Mack's booty is fucking HOT

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