Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Cypher's?

the sword Strider Hiryu uses to own people

Damn i got a 99 hit combo with Strider's Cypher

👍227 👎353

Cypher's - meme gif

Cypher's meme gif

Cypher's - video


Cypher's - what is it?

This term originated from the halls of Sir Winston Churchill. This term is what males and females use to refer to a guy who is stoned 24/7 and fucked up his life. He tries to pick up hot chicks at school but always gets rejected

John: Damn, whose that kid, he looks high
Chris: Haha, that's Cypher

John: Hey, what's he doing
Chris: He's being a Cypher

👍475 👎755

What does "Cypher's" mean?

Cypher is a wonderful rap tetralogy made so other armys like me could attempt and fail to recreate the wonder that is Kim Namjoon, Jung Hoseok and Min Yoongi rapping together.

An example of this is the line, used frequently in the track, 'I LOVE, I LOVE, I LOVE MAHSELF', which shows confidence when screamed at the top of one's lungs at a concert, or -- in my case -- while watching a live stream in my room.

Ya player haters you should love yaself BRRRRRR *ground shakes*. This needs the word cypher in it so here ya go.

👍235 👎343

Cypher's - what does it mean?

Cypher, or just cyph. The cycle in which drugs(mainly weed) is being passed.

Yo! Cyph that blunt this way nigguh!

👍327 👎477

Cypher's - meaning

The guy who murdered most of Morpheus' crew from the Matrix

God damn you Cypher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

👍387 👎533

Cypher's - definition

To rap or flow, but not in a battle.

That guy is sick at cyphering.

👍57 👎35

Cypher's - slang

The process of tapping into your subconcious. A state of mind where thoughts and actoins flow from your mind rather than being instrumented.
Clearly shown in freestyle/beatbox circles and breakdancing.

lets get some kids togeather and tap the cypher

👍1377 👎1285


To freestyle but not in battle terms

You killed that cypher!

👍1775 👎1131


A group of songs made by the three legendary BTS rappers: Leader Rap Monster, Sunshine J-Hope, and A to the G to the U to the S-T-D. They gather and jam to infire new rappers and kill every A.R.M.Y's hearteu

Jungkook: "Did you hear? RapMon, Hobi and Suga hyung are working on Cypher part V!"

Taehyung: "Yeah. My name is literally there in the title and I'm still not going to have lines in it."

👍3795 👎1569


Anything cyclical. If your freestyling, you rap in a cypher (one after the other). Interrupting another man will break that cypher (unless he's next in line and the dude behind him is falling off). The same concept applies to burning; there is a set order to who hits next (pass it to the left my friends). Never break the damn cipher

yo, cyph that L

That was an ill cypher last night

👍5073 👎1407